The frequency of hot and dry conditions in the County is projected to increase, making certain areas more prone to wildfire. Fire seasons are projected to begin earlier and last longer due to this change in weather patterns, increasing the threat wildfire hazard poses to the County.
Potential Physical Interventions
Click on any strategy below for more detailed descriptions.
Coyote Valley Preservation
In November 2019, 937 acres in Coyote Valley were permanently protected through an innovative public and private partnership among Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST), Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (OSA) and the City of San José. The $93.46 million acquisition deal was funded in part by Measure T, a $650 million infrastructure bond approved by San José voters in November 2018
Cathedral Park Rain Garden
Portland's Biggest Rain Garden: Portland, Oregon has redeveloped their city to include a multitude of nature based solutions on large scales. One of their most successful implementations was developing 3,600 rain gardens throughout the city. Cathedral Park houses Portland's biggest rain garden.